Optometric Vision Therapy

Optometric vision therapy uses the eyes to re-train the brain to use the eyes more efficiently as a team. Optometric vision therapy is a series of exercises and therapies that are designed to improve binocular function, or to help the eyes learn to work together to process visual information. Optometric vision therapy is most often used by optometrists for children and/or adults who have amblyopia or strabismus. Other conditions that optometric vision therapy may be able to treat successfully include binocular vision problems, focusing disorders, convergence insufficiency, and eye movement problems. It is a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment that can help to correct a patient’s visual system over time.

Commonly visual disorders can cause symptoms that are similar to symptoms found in patients that have ADHD. Sometimes the behavior seen in daily life is assumed to be due to attention or laziness, when the behavior is actually a person trying to avoid work that is stressful and difficult. The work is difficult due to the person’s inefficient visual system. Some children that have vision problems can mistakenly be diagnosed with ADHD and optometric vision therapy can help the person improve their visual system.

Visual Processing & Perception Therapy

Therapy that focuses on visual processing and perception can assist patients in enhancing visual discrimination (the ability to visually see differences between objects), visual figure ground (the ability to separate an object from a background), and visual memory (the ability to retain visual information over a period of time.

Working With Optometric Vision Therapy Patients in Southeastern Indiana

At the Southeastern Indiana Vision Development Center, we are dedicated to assisting patients with numerous visual problems. We offer a variety of advanced and scientifically proven optometric vision therapy services to assist patients in achieving the best possible visual results. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a comprehensive visual performance evaluation. Once your evaluation is complete, we work with you to develop a custom optometric vision therapy treatment plan that is designed to improve not only your visual acuity, but also how your visual system works as a whole.